Friday, 8 November 2024

Friday 8th November 2024.

Mike Kushy, Sam Hill and Tom Jackson. MK to start with  filling bags and moving rocks. SH and TJ arrived just as they were full. They moved the spoil back to the chamber. Several more bags were filled and moved. 4 holes were drilled, 1@1m, 3@600mm. Set and fired all fine. MK managed to squeeze down the rift at the front and managed to connect to the Tooth Dig loop. 3 hours for me. MK.

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Wednesday 6th November 2024

Mike Kushy and Mike Wise. MK to start with, filling up bags and moving rocks. A lot of spoil has gone ahead and is unreachable. MW arrived just as the bags were full. These were moved up to the connection  then with MW in the stacking chamber everything was cleared. 4 holes drilled and set. All went off well. 3 hours for me. MK.