Friday, 31 May 2024

Friday 31st May 2024

Mike Kushy, solo. Removed the boulder that was cemented around last time. Managed to squeeze through ahead and gain a few metres, wide bedding and a side rift going off to the right. After this I decided to tickle the roof and collapsed some boulders, losing the few metres gained. These rocks were then attacked until the batteries were spent. All the rocks move and can be broken down safely. Plenty of rock at the bottom to clear. 5 hours. MK 

Side rift heading into the cliff wall. Photo MK,

Bedding view ahead. Photo MK.

Current dig face. Photo MK.

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Wednesday 29th May 2024

John Cooper and Andy Thompson. Started by hauling out the rocks left at the bottom of the entrance shaft. Then moved down a stage and moved the rocks left at the bedding up to the bottom of the entrance shaft. Then moved on down again and moved all the rocks off the shelf across to the slope. Then moved down to the very bottom and cleared the rocks from there into the chamber where I suggest they are used as walling (cementing required). Then moved back up cave and moved the rocks from the slope up to the bedding. With all stacking spaces now full we repeated the clearance of the base of the entrance shaft but this time ferried the rocks from the bedding to the bottom of the entrance shaft as space became available. Only one rock would not fit and required the use of an open topped hauling bucket. 2½ hours.John.