Saturday, 9 March 2024

Saturday 9th March 2024

Mike Kushy, Pete Hann, Adrian Vanderplank, John Cooper and Nigel Graham.

MK started at 10 and got about down sizing the stacked up boulders left from mid week. All broken up and stacked higher up then the rest turned up. With NG on surface all the rocks were cleared. After this PH went to the sharp end and many buckets of clatch were sent to surface. Some big boulders removed from the floor and walls by AV capping. PH set about cementing the climb down and some rocks in front, a small retaining area ready to be filled in. Whilst this happened MK and JC did a little clearing within the rest of the cave. Interesting voids lower down, one which looks like a significant inlet coming directly into the solid wall. 5 hours for me. MK

MK's YouTube Video from today

Pete at the deepest point of the dig. Photo MK.

Pete on his way out, pit below. Photo MK.

Straight ahead from the top of the pit. Photo MK.

Passage over the top,which we aim to keep open for future exploring if needs be. Photo MK.

Wednesday, 6 March 2024

Wednesday 6th March 2024

Dave Morrison, John Cooper and Trevor Hughes. Tuska hauling from the surface, John transferring tubs of spoil and rocks with myself at the bottom. Good progress- removing a lot of wet mud and gravel, revealing moveable rocks and open vertical voids. A stacked pile of biggish, just about moveable, rocks need to be broken up and cleared away. Much more work needs to be done before any passage gain possible. A good start though. 2 hours. Trevor.

Cave being rebuilt on surface, we can have the caverns as large as you would wish. David.