Sunday, 18 February 2024

Sunday 18th February 2024

John Cooper and Trevor Hughes. John took across 2 bags of sand and a bag of cement, bringing back 3 of the scaffold poles which have been left in the digging shed at Upper Pitts. There are still 5 left on site. Trevor used p&f on the large rock ahead whilst I ferried some rocks out to the surface. 2½ hours. John.

The dig face  after yesterday’s session. Photo TH.

The top rock has been reduced in size, then split in half vertically and the right hand (slightly smaller) half reduced to spoil/walling stone. The left hand half has been turned 90deg with the sheared face uppermost ready for the next visitors to further reduce. The debris from yesterday is somewhat haphazardly stacked adjacent to the new wall and needs to be climbed on cautiously. Rather splendid open voids can be seen ahead and the whole area draughts well. A lot more work needs to be done to 1) reduce the residual top rock and 2) demolish the lower rock - which does move slightly. All this took 2 1/2 hours with JC nobly acting as my assistant and spoil remover. A decent pile of rock was brought out to the surface and the concreting stocks replenished by John. Trevor.

Saturday, 17 February 2024

Saturday 17th February 2024

John Cooper, Nigel Graham, Pete Hann and Adrian Vanderplank. Carried across a new bag of cement. John pointed out yesterday’s cementing so Adrian and Pete could avoid it. Capping kit taken in and used by Adrian breaking up boulders. One mix of cement done and taken down for use by Pete then John was despatched to get his drill and more caps. Lots more breaking up boulders by Adrian as well as clatch deposited behind retaining walls. Another mix of cement then done before calling it a day. No sand left, only stone dust in 1 dumpy bag. Third of a bag of cement left. Nigel got down the ladder and back up it again but didn’t get off the bottom. A couple of boulders hauled out to show willing, however plenty of space to build them into support walls. 4½ hours.John.

Loose blocks on the floor and far side capped. Some larger boulders in the floor also capped. Cementing on the near side with the intention of building a pillar to support the rock in the roof. Also infilling gaps on the left hand side with rocks and cement. Adrian.