Sunday, 1 October 2023

Sunday 1st October 2023

Mike Kousiounis and Dave Morrison. Started by clearing the bottom of the shaft. Bucket still snagged in a couple of places so after clearing we opened up the shaft with some more plug and feathering. Happy with the bucket pull, we set about doing some cement work. John Cooper joined us around 2pm and we finished the last bit of cementing that needed doing to fully stabilise the shaft ready for banging. 5 hours. Mike.

Tuesday, 19 September 2023

Tuesday 19th September 2023

John Cooper + 1. Three bags of sand taken across and added to the second dumpy bag. Another water carry was required today.   John repairing the damage he’d done last week in the shaft Whilst cement was mixed on the surface and rocks were sent down. Very windy on the surface and a good draught coming out up the shaft. Another cementing session required once this one has gone off. Need to take another bag of cement across. The first dumpy bag of sand now empty. 2 hours.

Looking Down from Surface

Looking Down from Changeover Ladder Point