Tuesday, 27 December 2022

Tuesday 27th December 2022

John Cooper and Mike Kousiounis. Took in enough sand for 3 mixes and cement for 6 mixes plus the drill. Left the drill at the start of the Boulder Rift but the rest went to the bottom dig. John did 3 mixes of cement which Mike used up walling. John then came out with all the empty bags leaving Mike to go to the Boulder Rift dig. 2 hours. John.

After finishing with John cementing (12.30pm ish), Mike K went to do some more work at the most recent dig in the Boulder Rift. Plug and feathering away. Andy Thompson arrived just after 2pm  to provide some much appreciated help. Andy then took over p and f work whilst Mike went to inspect the collapse from Thursday down the other BR dig site. The collapse was obvious and has opened up a lot more room to get to the bottom, there is also a view of some decent space below heading towards the new site. Mike and Andy left the site just before 4, two decent sized boulders to break up still but out of battery power. There's enough cement and water at the cementing site but some more sand will need taking in. 5 hours in all. Mike.

*Photo looking vertically down on the recent dig site, most of the boulder on the left has now been removed*

Thursday, 22 December 2022

Thursday 22nd December 2022

John Cooper, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Went in with the diggers but stopped to start surveying at the Pit whilst they went to the bottom dig with more sand and cement. First descended the Pit and updated the one leg done previously. More there than expected. Could talk through to Adrian in the Upper Bedding Chamber but could not get a visual connection. Then on to the Upper Bedding Chamber and surveyed down the East side. Then on to Boulder Rift and surveyed the South going passage – lots of rumbles from below on way out. Needs doing again properly when it’s been made safe. Did not do the Upper North trending bit as the diggers had joined us by then and were below it. 2½ hours. John.

Courtenay James, Mike Kushy, Wayne Starsmore and Mike Wise. Started about 3.30. We took in one and a half bags of sand, a full BDH of cement and an extra container of water, plus the drill bag. Wayne set about a mix whilst Courtenay and Mike W carried on with clearing spoil on the rope haul and Mike K sorted rocks out for the bottom. All the sand and cement was used, 5 and a half small buckets for use at the bottom. Cemented in some steps which will be usable next session and started building up off the floor. I'm guessing another 4-5 sessions to finish. There are lots of big rocks and fist sized rocks at the bottom ready for next time, slight draught. At 5ish Wayne headed on out whilst the rest of us went to trial a new dig site in the Boulder Rift chamber. Under the large horizontal slabs in the middle of the chamber there's a pit that heads down to some clean washed rock. After saying hi to the surveyors and listening to an impressive collapse beneath them we got to work. Progress was steady and all seems safe enough to work without stabilising. Slipknotting a rope around rocks in the floor helped to remove some large lumps. A hole in the floor was revealed with a cool draught being emitted once opened, more work yet. A crowbar, Plug and Feathers box with tools and a rope has been left in place. A good dig to have at the end of short cementing sessions at the bottom. Mike. K