Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Sunday 18th December 2022

John Cooper, Mike Kousiounis and Andrew Thompson. Took in sand, cement, mixing tub, dexion and drill (not used). Whilst Mike sorted out his skeleton dexion frame in the bottom pit Andy sent up buckets of spoil for John to stack. Once Mike was ready a mix of cement was done which Mike used to hold the frame in place. Lots more cementing will be required before any progress can be made. 2½ hours. John.

From logbook : A trip down to the dig to do a cementing and scaffolding session. We each lugged a tackle sack to the dig face and Mike assembled the angle iron whilst John and I hauled some of the catch out from the right hand wall on the approach to the face. A short cementing session at the end. Lots more cement needed. 1/3 of cement left in drum. 2 1/2 hours. Andy T.

Sunday, 11 December 2022

Saturday 10th December 2022

 Mike Kushy and Courtenay James. 

Started at 11, carried on digging down in the muddy pit at the bottom. Revealed more voids between boulders. Even managed some plug and feathering to remove some decent sized limestone. In one hole a possible solid wall with flowstone and stal' can be seen. Very cold draught coming from all voids and the theory is that it's all just one big space filled with boulder. I think the next way on is down still. Some scaff bars and cement work will be needed before any more progress down though. 5 hours. Mike.
