Thursday, 5 May 2022

Thursday 5th May 2022

John Cooper and Andrew Thompson. Andy at the bottom and John on the surface. Andy started by breaking up the big rock left by Mike and then another one from the side. John hauled the bits to the surface. Then some clatch hauled out. Finally a few rocks broken up for Mike to use as walling material. Depth now 10.8m. 6 bags of sand, 2 bags of cement and 2 containers of water on site. 2 hours. John.

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Tuesday 26th April 2022

John Cooper and Andrew Thompson. Started by hauling clatch out. Then a bit of boulder breaking to create walling material for 2 mixes of cement. During the hauling of clatch a boulder was dislodged from somewhere in the shaft which fell hitting John’s helmet and left shoulder. A bruise is now developing from the rock which was about the size of 2 house bricks. Later on the empty bucket came down on its own! I really don’t trust the hook on the hauling rope, needs to be a closed one so it cannot fall off accidentally. Depth was 10.4m to foot level. 2½ hours. John.