Saturday, 6 April 2024

Saturday 6th April 2024

Trevor Hughes, Mike Kushy, Pete Hann, John Cooper, Nigel Graham and Frank Tully.

TH went to the dig face to downsize rock and move it up cave. With MK at the step and PH at the bottom of the shaft all of the rock was cleared to the surface by JC and NG. This took about an hour and a half. MK then went and brought rock from the sloping floor up to PH to be cleared out again. MK then went down to TH and brought more rock from the bottom up to PH, MK was knackered and went to surface for a drink and rest. When back at the site PH had just called for the last load to come up. PH then joined TH and MK brought the drill down to them. More rock had been gathered by TH. MK and JC then brought 2 big loads up to the shaft for clearing by NG and FT. MK then joined the guys at the dig face. PH spoke of an interesting hole that had been opened by the pair and I was convinced to take a look. The vertical squeeze entered the same area that the Wednesday diggers got into, but was an alternative route in. Had a look around then before the second squeeze. TH said light came through a hole,which would be on the far right of the main chamber looking in. This was dug from both sides and was a much more comfortable exit, also allowing a short round trip through the small bouldery Chambers...note: MK went through the second squeeze and could clearly hear a low volume of flowing water from underneath somewhere. On the way back out through the newly created exit a hole to the left looked very inviting and on the other side had regained the solid wall feature prominent in the rest of the cave! Sat next to the wall it is possible to go up cave for a few metres, likely this is the other side of the higher up bedding slope below the step. Looking down cave a black hole in the floor with loose boulders was blocking the way on. TH left about now and JC was asked to get a mix on for PH. In the meantime the remaining battery was used to remove boulders from the way on. Enough was removed to allow access to an awkward drop down, approximately 10ft. At the bottom a sloping and stepping calcite floor heads off into the distance, about 20ft ahead it looks like it opens up and drops off. Alas a dodgy boulder is blocking the way on and unsure whether to remove in such a cramped condition I decided to leave and work on making access to this area better with what battery remained. PH did a grand job on cement work in the chamber and it's feeling very safe. Next step I reckon is to carry on work opening up the climb down and access. 4 1/2 hours. Mike.

MK's YouTube video from today

View on at the bottom of the 10ft climb down. Photo MK.

Main chamber, way on to the right where crowbar points. Photo MK.

A look back up cave from the middle of the chamber, where boulder used to be. Photo MK.

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