Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Wednesday 24th August

Evening. John Cooper, Mark Helmore, Mike Kushy and Nick Butler. Mike at the front clearing John’s “Afternoon Mess” back to Nick, then back to Mark in the pit, to then go up to John on surface. 38 loads. Carried on from where John had started and opened up a view down to the pit seen before. Draught increased on opening. 2 hours. Mike.

Afternoon. John Cooper. More plug and feather work on the boulder and the slab to its right. Spoil left in chamber, rocks and 1 bucket of mud. Draught from ahead left and a pretty grotto there. 2 hours.John.

Evening. Nick Butler, John Cooper, Mark Helmore and Mike Kousiounis (Kushy). John on the surface hauling, Mark at the bottom of the entrance shaft loading buckets and dragging the spoil back, Nick in the chamber passing the spoil back from Mike to part way along the tunnel and Mike creating yet more spoil. A grand total of 38 loads were hauled up, all today’s work. 2 hours. John.

Evening. John Cooper, Mark Helmore, Mike Kushy and Nick Butler. Mike at the front clearing John’s “Afternoon Mess” back to Nick, then back to Mark in the pit, to then go up to John on surface. 38 loads. Carried on from where John had started and opened up a view down to the pit seen before. Draught increased on opening. 2 hours. Mike.

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