Sunday, 2 October 2022

Sunday 2nd October 2022

MK, Monica B and Courtenay J. 9 small buckets cleared. Then made a mix + ½ to stabilise some stuff. 4 hours odd.Mike.

Monica Bollani, John Cooper, Courtenay James and Mike Kousiounis (Kushy). John arrived towards the end to mix a bit of cement. John.

From Kushy
MK to start with, did a few hours solo. Prepped up the climb down for some support work and broke up some of the bigger rocks. Filled up 9 small buckets. Went into the new chamber for another look, dug a hole in the floor and found a 4m deep put that I could climb into heavily stal'd up. Moved the 9 buckets to the bottom of the shaft and climbed up for a rest. Monica and Courtenay showed up with some lunch. We ate then made a mix and pulled the buckets up. Mike and Court took the mix in and Monica carried on mixing, John showed up not long after and carried on the mix. Cement work done in the new chamber, around the connection to the new chamber and in the climb down. Should be able to open up the climb down a bit more and the connection to the new chamber. 5 hours.