Sunday, 23 June 2024

Sunday 23rd June 2024

Mike Kushy, solo. Started with breaking up some rocks at the sharp end. Also took in some sacks to fill up with clatch. Went to surface and made a mix with 1 bag of sand. This was put into 2 buckets and taken down to build up a supporting wall at the sharp end. A lot of clatvh from the floor was put behind the wall. Should be safe to break up the 2 rocks ahead next visit. Tried to squeeze down the right hand side and got my hips to an edge, my legs couldn't touch a floor so being alone I gave up. Not that tight tbf. Finished the session by clearing back some rock to the small chamber. A bit of rock still at the bottom to clear. Good draught. 5 hours.

MK's YouTube video from today

The squeeze I attempted to the right hand side. Photo MK.

The current sharp end. Photo MK.

Saturday, 15 June 2024

Saturday 15th June 2024

John Cooper, Pete Hann and Kate Lawrence. One mix of cement taken in, two loads, and used by Pete continuing with the left-hand wall, then the right-hand wall, in the Boulder Chamber. Once the cement was with Pete, John and Kate visited the current dig face. They then went on a tour of the old cave. From the bottom of The Pit we could hear Pete shifting rocks about. We then went into the Upper Bedding Chamber, down through the Calcite Squeeze into the Lower Bedding Chamber and down to the bottom of the Cement Dig – very gooey. Back up and into Boulder Rift. We ignored the lower parts and made our way to the top and exited via the squeezes dropping down into the current dig. Pete was just finishing up the cement so we came out for tea and cake. There is room behind Pete's walls to put a load of clatch when it's brought up from the current dig. 1½ hours. John.