Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Wednesday 27th December 2023

Mike Kushy and Sam Hill. Started with MK on surface whilst SH filled buckets from the horizontal tunnel. After an hour or so this was all clear, so we moved on down to the dig face. SH worked the point and many buckets of clatch were pulled out. These either went into the deep hole near the step down or behind the retaining wall (which seems to slope off into the deep hole anyway). Plug and feather work to remove larger boulders and an interesting few minutes watching Sam poke some large boulders out of the ceiling headed down cave. Most rocks have been taken up cave and stashed in the horizontal tunnel, now full again. Several larger blocks are to the side in the lower chamber and will need breaking up more. After swapping a few times at the front some large rocks were pulled out of the floor revealing a deep, narrow, solid, rift with a very cool draught coming out. Too narrow to fit down but hopefully working back in and under the chamber there will be bigger space. At least at the current sharp end it feels very solid and safe. Out of batteries we decided to retire without clearing the horizontal tunnel. With a decent team of at least 5, 6 would be ideal, the stuff to come out could be done in one. Otherwise it can be done between 2 (3 ideal) with some staging. It would be nice to bring all the loose out rather than filling up other voids in the floor. 3 small buckets in the cave at the moment but we could do with another 3 and a short length (6-7m) of rope to drag up from the rift. Some cement work would also be ideal around the chamber area, but all in all not too bad. 5 hours, Mike.

Sam at the sharp end sat above the rift. Photo MK. 
The continuing bedding behind Sam,about half a foot gap from top to bottom. Photo MK.
The vertical rift below Sam, about half a foot wide. Photo MK.

Saturday, 23 December 2023

Saturday 23rd December 2023

Mike Kushy, Sam Hill and Dave Morrison (Tuska). We started with MK at the dig face, SH at the bottom of the shaft and DM on the surface. Small buckets were passed up to fill the bigger bucket on the winch rope. Cleared out some big blocks and lots of loose clatch, it certainly looks different now. SH went to the front for a while. Around 1pm we stopped for mince pies, kindly supplied by DM. DM then had to leave and the rest of us went to clear and break up more big boulders, these were put into the horizontal tunnel along with several small buckets of clatch, which needs clearing. SH then went to surface to mix up 3 bags of sand worth of cement. This was used to stabilise all the loose boulders opposite the bedding wall. The wall is stepping out as we go further down making digging straight down from the shaft an unlikely proposition. Nice draught. 5 1/2 hours. Mike. 

Before today's clearing. Photo MK.

SH at the dig face. Photo MK.

After clearing, and cementing the boulders on the left

Proposed line, showing that if we follow the open bedding at this height we're likely to end up in the boulder filled rift. Mike.