Thursday, 27 October 2022

Thursday 27th October 2022

John Cooper and Jude Vanderplank. More surveying. Boulder Rift and the small rift at the bottom done. 1½ hours. John.


Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Wednesday 26th October 2022

MK, JC, M Wise and M Waterworth. MK and JC started at 2.30pm. Cleared more out of the pot and built stacking spaces. The other 2 Mike’s came around 4.30pm. John left to find his survey stations and more plug and feather work / bucket clearance until 7.15pm. Mike K.

MK, JC, Mike Wise and Mike Waterworth.

MK and JC started at 2.30. Cleared some buckets from the pit and built some retaining areas. The other 2 Mike's arrived around 4.30. John left around this time and on his way out was making notes ready for surveying. A mixture of plug and fetahering and bucket clearance taking turns until 7.15pm. Downwards is hard going so we started to head horizontal, had a little collapse but worked out for the best. Clean washed rock and what looks to be bedded ceiling can be seen ahead, draught getting stronger the more the pit is cleared.
I'm back in on Sunday. John was talking about doing a Friday session also. I've left my drill in locker for anyone that may want it, John has some batteries hopefully he'd be willing to use 😊
Mike K. (email)