Sunday, 5 January 2025

Sunday 5th January 2025

Mike Kushy and Sam Hill. Got in for 11, took in 2 drills. Bloody wet couple of days, drippy throughout and nice stream coming in at the top Boulder Rift Chamber connection. SH went to the front and sent rocks back, some too large for buckets (will need breaking down). Lots of buckets tipped into the dam, which is now over full and needs clearing next. After rocks had been cleared the water had been found. After clearing as much mud and grit out as possible, it's now over knee deep. The pool is a 1mx1m. Unable to find a plug to drain the pool but there was easily enough water coming in today, that it should have flooded. MK had a go at the front for a bit, until stacking got desperate. We decided it was too wet to get drills out. 2 hours. Mike.

MK's YouTube Video from today

Before clearing. Photo SH.

After clearing. Photo MK.

SH in photo at the wet end. Photo MK.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Tuesday 31st December 2024

Sam Hill, Alex Randall and Mike Kushy. Took 2 drills and HE kit in. SH attacked the boulder in the floor at the face, whilst MK hauled and AR fed him buckets. After an hour or so MK got tired. SH then did some hauling with MK bucket filling, meanwhile AR had a go at the front. This lasted another hour or so and all the stacked top dam was cleared. AR had to pop out for half hour or so, MK and SH rebuilt the dam and filled it right up again. When AR got back MK went hauling, with AR bucket filling and SH at the front. MK came down and he and AR rebuilt and refilled the dam once more. All the pf work done, MK went to drill for charge. Meanwhile SH did more hauling, with AR filling buckets. 5 holes drilled @600, assisted SH and AR on set up. Filled and fired fine. Fresh at the bottom all session. The current stacking area is getting a bit overwhelmed. There's loads more that can go up there, but someone will have to go to the other side of the Tooth Dig loop and rake the stacked spoil right back. It's no longer possible to drop down from The Boulder Rift Chamber to the current dig site...unless of course you come from the Tooth Dig way 😬!  No photos, we were too busy enjoying ourselves getting covered in gloop and listening to Sam's German Propaganda music. Hard to describe the bottom, a rumble of rock was heard after the initial shock wave. 5 hours, Mike.

N/S survey overlay.

Happy New Year, from all us Conglomerates.