Mike Kushy, Ed Ford and Trevor Hughes.
MK went in just after 11 armed with drill. Lots of big rocks to break up. Filled the bags and buckets and moved all the spoil up cave a bit. Ed arrived just after lunchtime and we cleared everything back to the main chamber. Me and Ed then both squeezed through the recent (3rd) connection to the dig face and looked at the prospect of bringing spoil out this way. MK then went into the new 'chamber' and raked the floor, chucking all the spoil into the bouldery side. This revealed a very nice looking waterworn trench, the floor is composed of alot of sandstone and grit. EF in the meantime was losing what he could on the other side and filling the buckets up. Then with MK above the 3rd connection EF handed him buckets up. After a while we opted to go get the rope and krab and this was a lot more efficient. TH then arrived (est' 2pm), we left TH to prise rock and pf the stuff down to size. MK and EF meanwhile hauled a lot up. Rocks were strategically placed to prop up rock and build walls. There's a lot more space to fill up there yet and with a 4th person it would have been possible to pass stuff through the window towards the Tooth Dig loop. Batteries spent we all left, very cold from the draught. Loads of room at the bottom and it's now possible to clear the floor without going into the 'chamber'. 5 1/2 hours for me. MK
MKs youtube video from today
Dig face after clearance. Photo MK.
Trevor at the dig face, then Ed, then Mike. Photo MK.
Hard to see on camera but this is stacked calcite layers right above the dig. Photo MK.
Dig face before clearing. Photo MK.