Friday, 29 November 2024

Friday 29th November 2024

Mike Kushy, solo. Drilled 5 holes, 3 @600 and 2@400. All went off fine. 1 1/2 hours. MK.

Thursday, 28 November 2024

Wednesday 27th November 2024

Mike Kushy, John Cooper, Sam Hill, Mike Wise, Trevor Hughes, Ed Ford and Jake Baynes. MK, JC and SH in a bit earlier. Started by moving the stashed rocks up cave, others arrived randomly and eventually rocks were daisy chained straight to the Boulder Rift. Once MK at the front had moved rocks up to JC from the face he then squeezed through the latest connection (3rd) to Boulder Rift to help JB moving rocks further away. *note: the squeezes through the 3rd connection are not easy, unable to do on your front..and there's 2 like that*. Once bags started being filled with clatch everyone moved down one position. Then MK joined JC at the dig face so bags were getting filled twice as quick. It got to a point where reaching the floor for spoil became difficult again, a large rock sticking out the floor needs banging to progress. Draughty black hole appeared in the floor and takes all the stream water (about an inch). Est' 50 bags and 25 rocks moved this evening. Sterling work by everyone. 2 1/2 hours for me. MK.