Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Wednesday 20th November 2024

John Cooper, Sam Hill, Mike Wise and Mike Kushy. MK and JC started by clearing the stack of bags and rocks. JC then went to the sharp end, followed by SH, then MW with MK in the chamber. Many rocks and bags moved. MK moved rocks further back and finished off building the big retaining wall. Didn't use bang as there's a lot of rock to be broken up and will probably get into the next bit with plug and feathers. 3 hours. Mike.

Dig face. Photo MK.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Wednesday 13th November 2024

Mike Kushy and Sam Hill. MK to start with. Unwound bang wire and pulled some slack through to the front as its been getting a bit tight lately. Went to the sharp end and started moving rock and bags of spoil up cave. SH arrived not long after and he transferred everything to the stacking chamber. Meanwhile another round of bags were being filled. More rock, a couple of large rocks needed plug and feathering. Being hard work with just 2 we decided to drill and set charge early, even though there was a lot more spoil to come out. 3 holes all filled nicely, everything went off fine. Will want a team of at least 4 to have a big clear out. 3 hours for me. Mike.