John Cooper. Three holes drilled in left hand wall. Problem with
nearer left one. 1½ hours. John.
To watch the diggers in action on YouTube click here
Friday, 25 October 2024
Friday 25th October 2024
Wednesday, 23 October 2024
Wednesday 23rd October 2024
Sam Hill and Mike Wise met at 6pm, took the drill in and used P&F to reduce those 2 large rocks. Trevor Hughes, Adrian Miles and Jake Baynes arrived. 5 being the perfect number, we cleared all the bang debris and other material that became accessible. Rocks stashed higher in the passage were also cleared out and the access hole expanded slightly. Everything was carried through towards the Boulder Rift. Some very large rocks came out of the dig face. Ahead now is the remaining part of the blockage, just out of practical reach of the long crowbar. Either side of it, though, open spaces are visible. Sam went into Tooth Dig again to confirm we could see his light. Sitting in the dig, he seemed very close just above us and to the left on his approach. The more material we took out, the more obvious was the draught.
Kushy, suggest the next bang trip puts a couple of long holes in the obvious floor bulge on the left and maybe a shorter one above in the wall somewhere. Also, please take a few more inches off that keystone rock we trimmed a few weeks ago - it's a pain in the neck when you try and bring rocks out. One or two further sacks bit the dust. Finally, you will find a muddy P&F set stashed with the key. It somehow got scooped out of the floor and into my wellie. It has an O ring on it, so it isn't one of those we used tonight. Work time approx 2.5 hours followed by a visit to The Hunters'. Mike.