Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Wednesday 17th July 2024

John Cooper. Started at 6pm moving the rocks on the shelf up to the bottom of the entrance shaft. Then moved on down and moved rocks from Boulder Chamber up to the bottom of the entrance shaft. Was just completing this when Jake Baynes and Sam Hill turned up, 7pm. Went back down and handed them the empty bags from Sunday. Left them at the bottom filling the spoil bags and moving rocks along to the bottom of the 10ft climb. I then went out to find Trevor Hughes and Adrian Miles with drills etc. Back down with them and they started drilling holes. Meanwhile Sam and Jake passed rocks and bags of spoil up the 10ft climb. Once all up that the rocks were moved on up in stages to the bottom of the entrance. One unfortunate incident when Jake passed a boulder up to the shelf that disintegrated in John’s hands leaving Jake with a bruised arm from the larger piece (2 house brick size). All the rocks at the bottom of the entrance shaft were then hauled to the surface. There are a few bags of spoil in Boulder Chamber to put behind Pete’s wall next time. Sam then went back down just in time to help carry the drills etc out. The wire, 50m, was only just long enough! The reel was left in just below the lid. Out for 9.30pm. 3½ hours for me. John.

Face before drilling, taken 7 days ago. Photo SH.

A successful bang - a line of long holes to raise the roof ( below the blue line ) and the two water worn flutes on the floor should now be removed, at least for 1/2 m or so. No real draft tonight probably due to building high pressure.
All the tools removed back out of harm’s way including the jammed plug and feather set which became a long shot hole.
The way ahead does look quite promising.
If someone can coil up my wire and leave it on the surface I would be appreciative.
Progress has been good and it was a welcome return to the underground for me.
Adrian’s new toy performed excellently and I’m sure we will see much more of this soon. Trevor.

Sunday, 14 July 2024

Sunday 14th July 2024

John Cooper and Roz Simmonds. One mix of cement taken down in two loads. Initially we moved the bags of clatch from the dig face to Boulder Chamber where they were emptied behind Pete’s wall. The cement was then used to build the wall higher. 2 hours. John.