Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Wednesday 10th July 2024

Mike Kousiounis. Morning. Breaking up rocks then moving them and clatch up to Boulder Chamber. 3 1/2 hours. Mike.

John Cooper. Afternoon. Did 1 mix of cement which I took down in two loads. Met Mike Kousiounis in Boulder Chamber as he was just finishing. Took the opportunity to move some rocks and clatch up the 10ft climb before he left. I then continued wall building on both sides of Boulder Chamber. When I exited I saw Jake Tebbut and Sam Hill pulling up in the car park so left the cave open for them. 2 hours. John.

Sam Hill and Jake Tebbut. Evening. Started by clearing as much clatch as possible which exposed the water worn groves more. Broke up some of these and some other large chunks to make access to dig face easier. Looks like it's gonna need bang now. Big old chunks of rock. Bags stacked higher up and room for more rock as well. Jake took a few pictures and left me to it. A very good cool draft tonight. Enough to almost make it chilly work. 3hrs for me. Sam.

Bottom. Photo SH.

Closer view. Photo SH.

Saturday, 6 July 2024

Saturday 6th July 2024

Sam Hill, Mike Kushy and Frank Tully. 

I (Mike) arrived to the dig around 10.30am. Sam was already in moving rocks from the bottom and up the 10ft climb. I moved these rocks further back into the chamber. I then went down to work at the dig face whilst Sam moved rocks up cave. The right hand squeeze was widened first, to a point where I was confident I could get through. I then used the drill to downsize a large rock in the floor and filled the rest of the sacks with clatch. This allowed a view ahead and it looked possible that the squeeze on the right could open up ahead. With this in mind I called up cave to Sam to come down and provide me some moral support whilst I ventured into the unknown. A flat out squeeze which ended up 13ft long. Didn't get into the stuff that you can see down to the left as there's a very long, skinny, flake blocking the way but from the end of the squeeze I could look over into open, solid looking, passage going off. Should be easy enough to remove rock as the big rock above is the beginning of solid bedding. Sam and I then decided time would be best spent clearing the cave out. We started by taking the sacks up cave to empty behind Pete's wall. We met Frank at the chamber (around 12.30). Sam carried on work at the dig face whilst I moved rock up cave and Frank joined Sam for a look at the bottom and also to bring a couple of sacks up. I then went to the surface to haul whilst Frank filled the buckets. This went on until 3pm, estimated 50+ heavy buckets out. All the cave is pretty much cleared of rock, except for several rocks on the shelf above the chamber. Tuska came by just as Sam came up. 4 1/2 hours for me. MK.

Ended session by bagging up a lot of loose muddy stuff. This then revealed the whole of the waterworn grooves. Got to work removing these to allow access to the slab below. Sam.

Dig face