Sunday, 19 May 2024

Sunday 19th May 2024

Mike Kushy, Sam Hill and John Cooper.

MK solo to start with, set about plug and feathering work on the boulder ahead. SH arrived not too long after. We then moved rocks from the bottom up the 10ft climb. SH continued ferrying rocks up cave whilst MK used up the rest of the batteries on the first drill. SH then took over drilling work and MK ferried rocks up the 10ft climb and further up cave. MK came back down and when SH had used up his drill the pair swapped again and MK used up the final drill batteries and just managed to split any loose rock available at the dig face. Meanwhile SH cleared rocks back again and headed for the surface to see if JC had arrived to mix the cement. He was, so 3 buckets of muck were brought in by SH. 1 bucket used on the shattered boulder higher up, as new cracks have been appearing. The other 2 were used at the dig face to stabilise higher rocks, ready to remove one rock that is impeding progress on. A nice trench has appeared in the floor, cutting across the passage and heading into the cliff face. This leads to a small hole a couple of metres in which swallows up alot of spoil and draughts well. Plenty of rock at the bottom of the shaft to come out and various piles throughout the route to the dig. 6 hours for me. Mike.

MK's YouTube video from today

Sam Hill plug and feathering at the dig face early on. Photo MK.

Large beetle. Photo MK.

Dig face after clearing and cement work.
Trench, where my foot is, is heading under the undercut. Photo MK.

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

Wednesday 15th May 2024

John Cooper and Sam Hill. Sam arrived first and started moving Andy’s rocks upwards, including downsizing some to a manageable size. When John arrived work continued moving rocks on up to the bottom of the entrance shaft. When most were there John went to the surface and hauled 27 loads of mainly single rocks, but 5 loads had two smaller ones in the bucket. Once all had been cleared Sam went to the bottom to start plug and feather work on the end slab. Rather than just watch John said he’d go into the old cave and see if he could see or hear anything of Sam. From the bottom of the Pit Sam and John could talk to each other but there was no light connection. Sam had the impression John was below and to the right, which John agreed with. John then continued on into the Boulder Rift and climbed up to the top where he was able to see Sam’s light and guide him through. Sam then completed the first round trip Finally he continued with more plug and feather work to use up the power in the drill batteries. Now need to go and add details to the survey! 2½ hours for me.An hour longer for Sam. John.