Saturday, 11 May 2024

Saturday 11th May 2024

Sam Hill. Solo trip down downsizing the end slabs. First one broken up revealed a hole going down following the bedding. Started chipping away at the other boulder until drill battery was used up. 2.5hrs. Sam.

Start of session. Photo SH.

Hole off under right side. Photo SH.

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

Wednesday 8th May 2024

John Cooper and Andy Thompson. Whilst Andy had a look at the dig face John moved the rocks that were left in the Chamber up one stage before moving on down. With Andy loading at the bottom of the 3m climb and John hauling we spent about 90 minutes moving rocks out. Four that were too large for John to haul were left. There are also bits left here and there. John then continued on moving the rocks that he’d moved earlier on up before finally arriving at the bottom of the entrance shaft with them. Andy was following on behind with the rocks we had hauled up the climb. Some of these got as far as the slope above the shelf whilst others were left on the shelf. Finally, Andy hauled John’s rocks to the surface, 15 loads. 3 very sweaty hours. John.