Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Wednesday 24th April 2024

John Cooper, Alex Hannam, Sam Hill, Callum Simmonds and Andy Thompson. Andy worked on the surface, initially clearing the rocks John stacked by the entrance on 14th April and then hauling. Sam took his drill in for p/f work and John took in one of the large hauling buckets with a tape handle. Initially Sam was at the bottom loading rocks into the large bucket which Callum hauled up the 10ft climb and passed them to John to stack in the Boulder Chamber. Once that was done Callum went down for a look and John made a start moving the rocks outwards. Some of the larger ones were broken up by Sam. Alex arrived and also went for a look at the bottom. From then on rocks were moved up in stages to the shelf and then on upwards before eventually reaching the bottom of the entrance shaft. Callum had to leave to go to work but the rest cleared all the rocks to the surface. The slab is now ready for Kushy’s attention. 2 hours.

Sunday, 21 April 2024

Sunday 21st April 2024

Mike Kushy, solo trip. Went and broke down some of the rocks from last night and worked on making the slab squeeze easier. Tried to squeeze down the hole nearest the solid wall feet first, I got stuck at my hips. Whilst there I had a look down the other hole in the floor, doesn't go. Prominent cold draught from the hole nearest the solid wall. Looked around the chamber and all looks risky stuff. Need to bang out the slabs and follow the solid wall. Moved some rock up cave, more still at the bottom of the 10ft climb but too difficult to shift alone. 3 1/2 hours. Mike.