Sunday, 14 April 2024

Sunday 14th April 2024

Mike Kushy and John Cooper.

Cleared out the rocks on the bedding slope to start with, MK in cave and JC on surface. 22 buckets cleared. MK then went down to attack the boulder at the bottom, whilst JC surveyed the new chamber. Still can't quite fit through, the pinch point is at the very end of the boulder, unfortunately this means the whole boulder has to come out. After we were both done we then cleared the remaining rock from the shelf to surface, 15 buckets this time. Still some rock down near the chamber to clear. Cold draught at the dig face. 3 1/2 hours. MK.

The dig face. Photo MK.

Saturday, 13 April 2024

Saturday 13th April 2024

Mike Kushy and Sam Hill.

Mike to start with. Set about opening up the top of the awkward 10ft climb and removing rock. SH arrived and downsized rock in the chamber. Once the climb was opened up SH went down to see the bottom and start work on removing obstructing rock. Unfortunately we couldn't quite squeeze over the long boulder so each of us took turns attacking it. In between a couple of new routes around the boulders were opened up to investigate other ways through, nothing easy to be had. A hard attempt at the end to squeeze into new passage but just too tight, one more attack with pfs and failing that we'll just turn it into dust. 5 hours for me. MK 

Looking into the sharp end. Photo MK.

Head first view of over the boulder. Photo MK.

Top of the 10ft climb down. Photo MK.