Friday, 5 April 2024

Friday 5th April 2024

Mike Kushy, solo trip.

Got into the cave about 7.15pm. Set to work downsizing the rest of the boulder in the way. With this dealt with and moved up cave a large rock on the right was then downsized. Nice hole straight down under this, clearly well sculpted by powerful water. Out of battery I then went to take a look at the beyond. Chamber was bigger than I expected. Obvious and safest way on seems to be on the right at the far end, looks like the floor can be dug without affecting anything around. In the middle of the chamber at the far end, rocks can be chucked into a hole and they drop further than anything I've experienced so far. A lot of calcite around. Lots of rock to clear to bring the chamber floor lower. Towards the end I moved a lot of rock up and cleared all of this, plus the rock on the shelf, up to the higher bedding area for clearing tomorrow. Draught is picking up! Mild night outside. 3 hours. Mike.

Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Wednesday 3rd April 2024

Sam Hill at dig at 18:30. Crawled over top of boulder to access it from other side and then started plug and feathering boulder. Joined by Alex Hannam around 19:30. He moved rock up to shelf and then took over PF. Once drill batteries were used up we both looked around beyond the boulder. 2.5hrs. Sam.

Boulder before. Photo SH.

Boulder after. Photo SH.

Alex entering over boulder remains. Photo SH.

Alex in squeeze down. Photo SH.

Fossils. Photo SH.