Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Wednesday 27th March 2024

John Cooper, Trevor Hughes, Dave Morrison (Tuska) and Wayne Starsmore. John started a mix whilst Wayne went down with his drill to start breaking up boulders. By the time John had put the mix in the buckets Wayne was back with his drill saying there nothing safe to drill. The first bucket was taken in and John decided to cement in a boulder on the right hand side before the current end. Trevor came down, had a good look round and agreed with John’s strategy. The second and third buckets were used up on the same boulder but more will be required. Tuska came along to haul but was told the rock was needed for walling and the clatch couldn’t be moved whilst walling was in progress. Both John’s and Trevor’s drills never left the surface! The end does look interesting but not safe at present. No draught tonight. Sleet on surface. 2 hours. John.

Sunday, 24 March 2024

Sunday 24th March 2024

Mike Kushy, Adrian Miles, Monica Bollani and John Cooper.

MK got to the dig just after 10 and started downsizing the bouldery mess created from Wednesday's bang. AM joined not long after and cleared all the rocks back to the entrance shaft. Small buckets of clatch were filled and tipped into the rift up cave. More rocks were broken up and stashed on the ledge above the climb, this is now full. MB arrived at some point to inspect the dig and take the obligatory rock to surface. At some point some rock tickling and a collapse opened a considerable window into a decent sized space beyond. As tempting as it was to climb through we decided to keep clearing out the floor as this looks a safer prospect for continuing. A lot of cement work needs doing next. On the way out JC was on surface so with AM and JC on surface and MK filling buckets all the rocks at the base of the shaft were cleared. 5 hours for me. MK.

MK's YouTube video from today

Dig face before clearing. Photo MK.

Looking down into the floor, boulder above crowbar needs cementing in. Photo MK.

The view over the boulder. Photo MK.

The window above the boulder that opened up mid dig. Photo MK.