Tuesday, 5 March 2024

Tuesday 5th March 2024

Dave Morrison building spoil retaining walls on surface followed by John Cooper dropping off 4 bags of sand and a bag of cement. John.

Saturday, 2 March 2024

Saturday 2nd March 2024

John Cooper, Pete Hann, Nigel Graham, Adrian Vanderplank and Jude Vanderplank. Sleet/rain on surface – not nice. One full mix of cement done. Adrian capped rocks for building material. Most of the cement was then used by Pete building up the wall. John used a bit of cement higher up. Meanwhile, on the surface, Nigel was moving spoil from the heap to the wall fill. A second full mix of cement was then done before Jude and Nigel retreated back to Upper Pitts. All this was used by Pete building up the main wall. Nice holes in the floor but a lot of clatch to move out first - 4 people? Filled up the water container but no sand or cement on site now (just rock dust). 3½ hours.John.

Pete wall building. Photo AV.

Looking back out. Photo AV.

Onwards and downwards. Fossil, upper centre left? Photo AV.

Onwards and downwards. Photo AV.