Sunday, 26 November 2023

Sunday 26th November 2023

am- Mike Kushy and Sam Hill. Setting charge. Strong draught.

pm- MK and SH. SH clearing the bottom, MK on winch and buckets. After an hour or so MK went to join SH at the bottom and evaluate. Sketchy looking boulders everywhere with gaps between. Decided to clean up rock and prep for cement. 2 1/2 mixes done. John Cooper joined us near to finishing. Right hand side looking into dodgy chamber now stable and the pillar built last week has held up well. Can probably cut some steel to put in place at the roof of chamber, strangely draught lost in the afternoon. Plan is to keep driving down in the floor closer to the shaft and try to stay clear of the dodgy chamber, but leave accessible if needs must.

Before cement work. Photo MK.
Cement Work. Photo MK.
Floor of the Dodgy Chamber. Photo MK.

Thursday, 23 November 2023

Thursday 23rd November 2023

John Cooper. Went to drill some holes in the bottom. 6 holes 300 – 400mm deep ready for Mike next time he’s about. Nice draught from below. 1 hour.