Sunday, 5 November 2023

Sunday 5th November 2023.

 Mike Kushy and John Cooper. 

AM- set off charge, laid and fired in half hour.

PM- after setting charge at Valinor we cleared WR. About 2 hours clearing. A bit of movement after the charge, some large boulders in the horizontal bit have dropped and some of the concreted boulders have moved slightly. Not too concerning though. Ready for drilling. Mike.

Bottom after clearing. Photo MK.

Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Tuesday 31st October 2023

John Cooper. First of all wiggled a boulder out which was then plug and feathered to manageable chunks. Then drilled some holes in the bottom and sides, 4 in the floor and 6 in the walls. All 10 holes 300 – 500mm deep ready for Mike on Sunday. 2 hours.John.