Sunday, 29 October 2023

Sunday 29th October 2023

Mike Kushy, Dave Morrisom and John Cooper. Mike and Dave clearing out bang spoil. Some of the charge didn't go off for some reason, never mind though as the blocks we want to bang had shifted from the charge that did go off allowing removal. Cleared enough ready for drilling. John joined us at the end. Good draught. 2 1/2 hours. Mike.

Looking into the chamber at the bottom, all seems to be holding up okay. Photo MK.

The bottom after clearing. Red block wiggles and will come out. Blue crosses supposed drilling point. Yellow crosses maybe to be drilled, would be good to get out. Photo MK.

Sunday, 22 October 2023

Sunday 22nd October 2023

John.Cooper and Mike.Kousiounis. Setting charge in holes drilled by John mid week. All went off fine. No sign of any newts in the tunnel. 1 hour. Mike.