Monday, 4 September 2023

Monday 4th September 2023

John Cooper, Mike Kousiounis (Kushy) +1.  Mike +1 did some work on the entrance for a couple of hours in the morning, assisted for the last few minutes by John before a lunch break was taken. All 3 then back for a 3 hour session in the afternoon. Lots of cementing of supporting walls in the entrance shaft. More still to do before straightening out the shaft begins. Very hot  sunny day with alot of stone taken from the spoil heap for walling & infil.    5 hours. John.

Sunday, 3 September 2023

Sunday 3rd September 2023

John Cooper, Mike Kousiounis (Kushy). Mike +1 did some work on the galvanised entrance ladder for a couple of hours in the morning. Took a lunch break to allow the resin to cure then were joined by John for the afternoon session. Afternoon was cementing in supporting wall behind the galvanised third ladder. 3 hours. John.

Looking down from entrance

Changing from second to third ladder

Changing from second to third ladder

Third ladder fixing to wall

Top of third ladder

Kushy working on retaining wall

Kushy working on retaining wall

Retaining wall behind ladder

Looking up from bottom