John Cooper and Mike Kousiounis. Tooth Dig. Two drills taken in. Started off
with Mike passing rocks back for me to stack above my head. Then I used my
drill enlarging the squeeze from the far side, but not very effective. Mike
used his much more effectively breaking up boulders at the end. Every so often
I’d stop what I was doing and move Mike’s rocks back to the alcove so he could
get out. After a couple of hours I gave Mike my remaining battery to finish off
whilst I went out. Mike followed an hour later. No sound of running water today. 2½ hours for me. John Cooper
Cleared the corner back to the dumping grounds. We then moved forwards, John worked on the squeeze over the slab whilst I worked on the big block ahead. This is all now broken up as well as some other large rocks near the floor, a bit of forwards progress was made too. The alcove is totally full and there's still rocks to clear back from the dig face, a big clear back is the first thing to do next visit. The far end isn't looking so intriguing anymore but it's worth pushing on to the solid wall ahead. The sand spoil from the alcove could go in here if the end of the dig craps out. Strong draught today that seems to be emanating from the floor somewhere. No sound of water apart from some dripping. Could feel the quarry set off their charges. 3 1/2 hours. Mike.