Sunday, 12 March 2023

Sunday 12th March 2023

Mike Kushy solo trip. Got to the dig about 10.30. The perimeter gate at the surface was wide open and I spent ten minutes ushering a few sheep out of the pen, the steps were covered in droppings making a smelly entrance. Got to Tooth Dig about 11, set up my music and started breaking up the rock at the corner. Reckon 50% of what was there is now in pieces ready to be cleared. I've taken a fair bit further back already, some stuff may want reducing more with a hammer. The block could be taken right out but I think it will be okay at the height it's at now with some levelling out.  With all batteries used I moved forward to dig out some more of the undercut into the void. With helmet off I managed to squeeze through up to my waist, into another layer of bedding. Off to the left looks the same as what we were in apart from no boulders at the end. The mud seems to slope away at the end, easily caveable if the floor is dug out more at the squeeze. Moving some more rocks and mud allowed a view to the right and straight on. Phreatic action from the right leads to a solutional pocket dead ahead, cutting through the bedded ceiling with an inch thick vertical line of calcite through the rock..the phreatic element seems to end here, perhaps a pot? Good draught coming from the left. The annoying rock in the floor at the start of the tunnel passage wants reducing or removing. The small crowbar, big crowbar and big hammer/chisel are near the annoying rock in the floor. The small hammer and pf set is on the approach to Tooth Dig on the left. Should be an interesting session for whoever is in there next, may want some horizontal drag buckets (just small ones and a small length of rope). 4 1/2 hours. Mike.

Friday, 10 March 2023

Thursday 9th March 2023

Andrew Thompson and Mike Wise. We hammered and P&Fd for 2 hours and chipped off a few bits here and there. We did bring back and neatly stack a load of rock from beyond the tiresome rock though and Andy went off and took some photos. Mike Wise.

A late start after work saw us enter the cave at 4.30. Mike first attempted to find his way through Tooth Squeeze but after deciding against it we switched positions and attacked the rock in the floor from both ends. Unfortunately it got the better of us and refused to succumb to our frantic hammering. We decided our efforts would be better spent taking some photos of the prospects in the sharp end and then doing some house keeping beyond the squeeze, as rather a lot of broken rock had been stacked next to the squeeze. I am please to say this has made a bit more space for next session. 3 hours A Thompson.

Mike Wise looking into Tooth Squeeze 

Off Low on Right

Ahead Low

Ahead High