Sunday, 26 February 2023

Saturday 25th February 2023

Andy Morse and Andy Thompson

We arrived at Tooth Dig for 11am and quickly got to work. Very gingerly I removed a large block from the ceiling of the dig, squealing a little bit each time I hit the plug and feathers. This block was about twice the size of a microwave and directly above my legs so I was very glad to get it out without injury. Once this was removed I could work my way into the gap created, enough to see a very interesting looking continuation to the passage. Very excited to see where it leads over the coming month. We returned to the surface at 3pm. 4 hours A Thompson.

The Tale of the Tooth. Andy Thompson, finder of the tooth, had subsequently prepared the tooth into an identifiable condition. The tooth was able to then be confirmed as formerly belonging to a Woolly Rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis) possibly strolling around some 40,000 years ago. Andy Thompson and Andy Morse and myself (Tuska) met with Richard the landowner, who to say the least, was excited and shared with us his delight and interest in such a find. Richard welcomed the fact we would leave the tooth in his care and is happy for the tooth to go for more tests as needed and happy also to share the tooth with those wishing to see it. Hoping, I believe, for more similar finds that we all might better understand the Mendip environment at the time 'Fang' the Rhino roamed. All to play for. Tuska.

Saturday, 18 February 2023

Saturday 18th February 2023

Mike Kushy, Courtenay James and Monica Bollani. Took in 2 drills and a Daren drum of cement. CJ and MB went to dig at Tooth Dig whilst MK went to the cemented dig. I carried on work enlarging the bottom, a strong acoustic connection with the others in Tooth Dig, estimate about 15m apart and probably at the same depth...but need to survey both digs. Some cement work will be needed at the sharp end to remove larger rocks in the ceiling, which will then allow access into the 'chamber' ahead. With all buckets filled and batteries used and no sign of the others I went to join them. 2 1/2 hours.

The other site is much more spacious since I was last there, a good draught. My feeling is the dig is going to force digging downwards at this point. Courtenay had been working on removing a large boulder at floor level opposite the squeeze into the dig. A good view beyond the Boulder can be seen with a floor strewn with black cobbles, also a very good draught emanating from here. 4 1/2 hours in all. The full tub of cement is in a red bag part way down the bedding and there's 2 and a bit half bags of sand (enough for a cementing session). Mike.

Monica at the sharp end of Tooth Dig
(Photo at a horizontal angle)

Photo of the sharp end, 1ft chisel

Clean washed rock above the sharp end, the sound connection from the cemented dig comes through here.