Sunday, 29 January 2023

Sunday 29th January 2023

Mike Kushy, John Cooper and Courtenay James. I left Courtenay and John to dismantle the obtrusive rock at the Boulder Rift dig, this took them about an hour and a half. Meanwhile I worked on opening up the cemented dig in the main bedding some more, also managed to clear out some rock from the on going area. When JC and CJ arrived we cleared the rock built up from plug and feathering and some clatch. The session was ended with some more cement work on the walls higher up. There's still an annoying bit of rock low down which needs coming out to allow further clearing ahead. 3 1/2 hours. Mike.

Sunday, 22 January 2023

Sunday 22nd January 2023



Mike Kushy. Solo trip to work on the cemented dig at the bottom of the main bedding. Plug and feathering the right hand hole, made it big enough to get into. Need to open up the slope on the floor a bit more which won't take long. Head first a view off to the right for a few metres, a small hole down to the left, draughting very well, appeared. A flowstone wall ahead, all feels very safe. Broke my 14mm drill bit and didn't have a spare so had to improvise with a 10mm and what I had left of the 14mm. Will need a team of at least 3 next time to pull the clatch and rocks out. 5 hours, Mike.
