Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Wednesday 7th December 2022

Mike Kushy and Mike Waterworth. More work on the muddy dig, started to go down in the floor and was finding fist sized lumps of limestone instead of the usual sand and mud. Found a draught at the end heading in the same direction as the passage above. 2 1/2 hours. Mike K.

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

Tuesday 29th November 2022

JC in the bedding below the Boulder Rift.


At the bottom of the 2m pot looking through the narrow gap between big boulders.

Looking past what seems to be a tiny funnel in the floor behind the triangular rock to the passage on the left. There may be a continuation on the right as well


Looking up out of the muddy bottom dig

JC log. John Cooper and Mike Wise. We first inspected the new lower bedding chamber off the start of Boulder Rift. Probably needs the way in opening up and stabilising but the bottom looks interesting. Then on in and moved a few buckets of spoil from Kushy’s dig face at the bottom. Came out to find yet another gate had been installed by Tuska and Al. 2½ hours.

MW comments - there are two squeezes through boulders to pass below the Boulder Rift to get to the restricted bedding and below that, at the bottom of a 2m deep x 0.75m (ish) diameter pot, a small (maybe 0.5m x 0.5m at most) damp passage with a too tight gap between two very large blocks which prevent entry. Floor is packed mud and stone which is diggable. Immediately behind the triangular rock on the floor in the 4th photo is what seemed to be a small scalloped muddy funnel in the floor but was not fully visible. The item on the floor in photo 3 is my glasses case. 

It's all quite small, probably smaller than I think it is, but interesting! 😀