Sunday, 13 November 2022

Sunday 13th November 2022

Mike Kushy and Monica Bollani.
MB at the front of the mud dig tunneling along, got another metre along then hit a very thick (2ft) layer of calcited conglomerate in the floor. Towards the end MK went in and had a poke at the ceiling and left the dig with what looks like a rift line in the ceiling, slight draught at the end. Came out to find a gate fitted in the fence, good job T! 🙂 4 1/2 hours, Mike.

Continued to make space in the muddy tube, digging across and down slightly left to follow the ceiling. Some big chunks of conglomerate coming out of the floor, and a mix of sandy grit and clay like mud. Definitely looks like 50 shades of brown. 4 1/2 hours. Monica. (From log book).

Fresh video uploaded Click on the link 'To watch the diggers in action on YouTube click here' under the page header.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Wednesday 9th November 2022

Mike K., Adrian Miles and Pete Hellier. Cleared more mud out for a couple of hours then went to look at the boulder rift area.  2 1/2 hours. Mike.