Sunday, 9 October 2022

Sunday 9th October 2022

MK. Solo trip. Started work on the horizontal passage. Nice view through boulders and good draught. Made 2 large mixes and worked on stabilising the penultimate chamber squeeze through to the final chamber and the climb down. 3 ½ hours. Mike.

From Kushy. MK on a solo trip, broke through into new passage. Looks faulty and definitely walking sized, the boulder slope I was unsure whether the rocks would be perched so being by myself I decided not to enter the new bit, I also thought it would be a good idea to use a rope in case there's a drop under the rocks. Finished off the session putting 2 mixes in to stabilise some of the previous passages.


Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Wednesday 5th October 2022

MK and JC. Opening up some of the squeezes and climbed down. Dug into ongoing passage in the final chamber. Lots of flowstone ahead on both sides. Cold and strong draught. 2 ½ hours. Mike K.

John Cooper and Mike Kousiounis. Took both drills over. John concentrated on opening up the squeeze between the second and third chamber whilst Mike worked on the drop down from the third chamber. After a while Mike moved on in and John worked on widening the squeeze to the top of the drop down. John followed Mike, now in the fifth chamber, down after a while and passed empty buckets along to him from the fourth chamber. Emptied them down the hole in the floor of the fourth chamber. Only one unexpected crash from a boulder today! 2 hours. John.

From Kushy
MK and JC today. Took two drills in and enlarged the 2nd to 3rd passage squeeze, the head of the climb down and the climb down itself. Opened up the connection to the final chamber also. Dropped all the loose rock on the left hand wall in the final chamber (anyone who has been there will be glad to hear about this). It didn't take much at all and made a Hell of a noise. John asked if everything was alright. Went into the final chamber and handed a few small buckets back to John. I dug at the horizontal way on whilst John opened up more of the climb down. Several small buckets filled and the way on all looks to be flowstone, can see a fair few metres ahead and looks to be a pitch a couple of metres ahead. Very cold and strong draught beyond. All the floor is calcite, a thick false floor. Looking forward to Sunday. 2½ hours.