Sunday, 14 August 2022

Sunday 14th August 2022

John Cooper, Mike Kousiounis, Geoff Newton and Frances Porter. Mike and Geoff had an early start, partly because of the heat. John and Frances joined about 1.30pm to relieve Geoff and do a final few hauls and a mix of cement to fix the square bar. There are 3 bags of sand and 1 bag of cement still on site. 1½ hours. John. 

Mike and Geoff had an early start around 9am. Started clearing then drilling, Mike’s drill gave up the ghost finally so Geoff went off to borrow John’s from the hut. Meanwhile Mike managed to work the annoying rocks out of the floor and break them down a bit. Geoff came back and the pit was filled in to tipping point, so Geoff went to the surface and half the load was cleared before breaking for a rest. Mike then continued on the surface until all the pit was clear. Geoff came up and lunch was had. Geoff then went to the sharp end and set about plug and feathering from inside the chamber working back, making a decent sized space in the connection to the chamber now. I think the way into the right hand wall will now be further ahead and into the chamber then working back down as there’s a very large Boulder impeding the way directly down to the right. Amazing draught as you’ll see from this week’s video. Batteries used up John then showed up in time with Frances. John set about on a mix while Frances hoisted the remaining spoil up, Geoff left for the day at this point. A mix was sent down and Mike wedged a big rock under the impeding Boulder on the right and cemented around it, also braced in John’s metal bar and some more of the left hand wall. The connection point into ‘Pocket Watch’ chamber now feels very secure. Left around 2.30 (accidentally leaving dead drill and John’s battery in field). The gap on the right higher up in the chamber heading back down should now be safe to push.

Friday, 12 August 2022

Friday 12th August 2022

John Cooper and Geoff Newton. 30°C on surface so both at bottom. Took down square bar and opened up left hand slot so it would just fit. Will need cementing in now. More plug and feather work on right hand wall but more still required. 2 hours. John.