Monday, 20 June 2022

Monday 20th June 2022

John Cooper, Mark Helmore and Mike Kousiounis. Mark inspected bottom and did not like the lower hole on the left. Decided far better to go back up a bit and follow solid wall along. Started to demolish the wall and when Mike took over he was excavating clatch from behind it. Managed to retrieve his ear defenders. Finally used the remains of his Swildon’s cord to pop a couple of boulders. Not too loud and fumes quickly came out. 3¼ hours.John.

Thursday, 16 June 2022

Thursday 16th June 2022

John Cooper and Dave Morrison (Tuska). Took across 4 bags of sand, 1 bag of cement already there. Put electron ladder don then John life lined Dave down. After inspection life lined him back out. Dave thinks best to tackle the higher level hole along the solid right wall rather then the lower left which goes into nasty breakdown. Then John went down and did a bit of plug and feather work. 2 buckets of spoil. 2½ hours. John.