Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Tuesday 17th May 2022

John Cooper and Wayne Starsmore. Took across 2 bags of cement and 4 bags of sand together with the refilled water drum. Took my drill down. My plug and feathers used to break up a bit of the rock freeing up 4 sets of Mike’s PFs in the process. Still not quite removed. One mix of cement used building up walls using the debris. Nice draught from the down-dip end. 2½ hours. John.

Sunday, 15 May 2022

Sunday 15th May 2022

Cutting up angle beams to help stabilise the loose wall that keeps peeling away. All went well and started building up off the beams. Managed to leave an open space towards Wookey also. 2 mixes used. MK, AT, MH and DM. Mike.