John Cooper and Andrew Thompson. Started by hauling clatch out.
Then 1 mix of cement and a bit of boulder breaking. Depth was 9.8m to top of
talus cone, 10.1m to foot level. Winch bearing died at end of session. 2 hours. John.
John Cooper and Andrew Thompson. Started by hauling clatch out.
Then 1 mix of cement and a bit of boulder breaking. Depth was 9.8m to top of
talus cone, 10.1m to foot level. Winch bearing died at end of session. 2 hours. John.
John Cooper joined Mike Kousiounis and Dave Morrison for the last
part of the session (Mark Helmore having already left). Mike was breaking up
rock with plug and feathers when I arrived but soon switched to clearing. Loads
of rock and a bit of clatch hauled up before calling it a day. 1 hour for me. John.