Saturday, 2 April 2022

Saturday 2nd April 2022

John Cooper took over from Mark Helmore for the last cement mix of the day. Others were Mike Kousiounis, Andrew Thompson and Chris Williams. They had been there all day whilst I only joined after I’d finished in Dave Mitchell’s Dig. Mike had removed the big pointy boulder but decided more support was required before proceeding further along. 1 hour for me. John.


Friday, 1 April 2022

Friday 1st April 2022

John Cooper, Dave Morrison, Geoff Newton and Andrew Thompson. Quite a bit of clatch removed. Spent some time working on the pointy boulder but it just splintered when drilling the end. Eventually it wouldn’t release a plug and broke the tip off the drill bit. Dropped the boulder so it is now possible to drill the top of it. Depth at end of session was 9.4m. 3 hours. John.