Mike Kushy, Sam Hill and Mike Wise. Very wet cave today after the heavy rain yesterday. MK took the drill and the 'rinsed out' pf box in. Broke up the large rocks laying in the pool and tossed them further back. The pool only had water in the half closest, beyond was fairly dry and gaps could be seen over the mud. SH arrived in the midst of MKs aqueous mud mining but didn't opt to tag in. We both moved some rocks higher up to the dam. MW then arrived and with SH near Tooth Dig, MK hauling and MW filling the buckets we cleared the dam fully. We then all congregated at the bottom where MK unwound the bung and shoved his arm up the pipe to unblock it. This consequently rushed into the dig and my suit got a good clean. No pictures and you wouldn't want to see the state of it. The dam water raised the pool level by a good 2 inches. Think this is a good time to leave this dig site until warmer weather. Let's head North! 2 1/2 hours. Mike.
Sam Hill's video upon arrival.